Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

[D264.Ebook] PDF Download Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

PDF Download Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

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Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

PDF Download Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

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Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger

Brace yourself … the rules of consumer engagement have changed. Your customers no longer care about legacy – what matters to them is how you are innovating into their world today. The classic ‘solve a problem’ approach that industry giants have always employed is no longer relevant. Consumers want switched-on, creative responses to their needs and desires. In Relentlessly Relevant, business guru Douglas Kruger explores the field of innovation, reducing its subject matter to the simple starting points you need to become an industry trendsetter. It pinpoints the levers within your own business crying out for innovation, as well as the areas you should leave alone at all costs, and it teaches you to change your traditional way of thinking, altering how you relate to your customers’ immediate reality. Using examples from local and international brands, this book shows you don’t have to be a tech giant to innovate, but you do need to know how to think in the right patterns. This is a business imperative. Innovators of today will own their industries tomorrow by constantly asking, ‘How can we become relentlessly relevant?’

  • Sales Rank: #969344 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-04
  • Released on: 2015-05-04
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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Five Stars
By Janine Driessel
If you need your thoughts massaging and a creative spark lit, this is the book for you.

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Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger PDF

Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger PDF
Relentlessly Relevant: 50 ways to innovate, by Douglas Kruger PDF

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